This awards ceremony brought to you by Count von Count, the letter L and the number 3.
In one day I got two awards. How freakin' sweet!
First up I have the Premio Dardos, awarded to me by the lovely Steph Su. I'm going to pick up a little bit on Steph's snarking on blog awards descriptions and say, ya'll got the language wrong on this one. What's being passed around now is Spanish, not Italian. If it were Italian, it would be Dardi Premiati. Easy way to tell? Italian plural will nearly always end in a vowel. The 's' is signatory of Spanish. Henceforce, I'm ending the fallacious circle.
Premio Dardos means ‘prize darts’ in Spanish (or something like it) and it is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2) Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.
I'm still trying to figure out what ethical values I instill! Always tell the truth?
Getto i dardi premiati del blogger a--
Vita Dei
The Book Reader
The Book Obsession
TV and Book Addict
J Kaye's Book Blog
Addicted to Books
For the Love of Books
Book Junkie
YA Blog Newsletter
Becky's Book Reviews
The Page Flipper
Reader Rabbit
The Book Muncher
WORD for Teens
Guys Lit Wire
My other award comes from the amazing Amelia at Book Junkie. She loves my blog! And I love hers! Especially the color scheme. It's awesome! What I have to do for this one is (no interpreting needed!)--
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Well I can do that! How about--
Steph Su Reads
Peace, Love, Vote
{Insert Book Title Here}
Reviewer X
Em's Bookshelf
Shooting Stars Mag
Look At That Book
Review: Isaac's Song by Daniel Black
3 hours ago
Count! Thank you! Love the awards. This blog is so deserving of both. I heart your blog too! :) I'll get this added to the award page. Thank you oodles and gobs!
Ahhh this is super neato thanks!!!
Aw! THANK YOU for the award. :) You rock.
Thank you! I love your blog too!!!
Hahahahahaha. Applause to more snarking on blog award descriptions! Although yours was actually a legitimate correction. Mine was just picky. I'm glad this has picked up and the correct description is now spreading. :)
Awww :) Thanks Count von Count haha!!
Actually, it's just plain wrong. In Spanish it should be Dardos Premios. Whatever. It's not like Prize Darts have anything to do with the price of peas in Persopolis.
Actually it's supposed to be Portuguese. When I first got this award awhile back, there was a description with it, and that was in Portuguese.
You're welcome all and thank you!
And we've come to agree that it's not Italian!
Just to add, according to Babel Fish, in Spanish it'd be Dardos Premiados, the same in Portuguese as well. Such is the game of telephone!
Your blog really deserves it. Now my blog on the other hand...
Thanks SO MUCH! I'm always shocked when people nominate me for things, b/c I feel like I fad a bit in the background in regards to other blogs. I do appreciate it. :-)
Yay Dracula.
I thought I already commented saying thank you but I guess not. So thank you!!
You're all very welcome and you're all deserving! And thank you!
Thank you so much for nominating! :)
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