All reviews and various posts are of my own doing and creation. Credit is attributed where it is deserved in those posts. No, I will not remove a review for any reason except for impending legal action. And I'm not talking about threats, either, unless they come in the form of an official-looking cease and desist letter.
Honesty is my best policy. If you don't like what I'm saying, don't read it. But don't think there's anything short of said lawsuit to get me to change anything I say. This is what happens when you put yourself out there for the world to judge. Get a thicker skin, embrace Kevlar or become a hermit.
On that note, I work on the credo "don't say anything online you wouldn't say to someone's face." Just remember that.
For my review policy, read this. Learn from it. Adopt it as your own. Nurse it.
I reserve any and all right to shut you the fuck up if you're being a douche. Consider this blog my house. When you come in, treat it and me with respect, you know, like a normal human being. If you come in being a dick, don't be surprised when I dick you back. It's only fair.
As for trolls, they will be dealt with with public humiliation and shunning. They deserve it.
Everyone else, comment as you see fit. If you disagree with me on something, please do it with respect and intelligence. I love having insightful and reasonable conversations with people. That's how I'd like it to stay as my brass knuckles need a rest every once in a while.
All of my giveaways are open to everyone 13 years of age and over (because it's illegal for me to obtain addresses from anyone under the age of 13 without parental consent) unless otherwise specified (because, you know, I need some smut every once in a while, and I'm sure you do too). The majority of giveaways are held for books I have in hand so when you send me your address, that's where it stops. I'm not about to sell it. I'm not that hard up for money.
There will be a few giveaways sponsored by various publishers and publicists where the books will be sent right from the source. While I won't sell your information, I can't vouch for them so enter at your own risk, although I doubt the risk is very high.
While I normally post the ending dates of my giveaways in the contest post, I reserve the right to end it whenever I want for any reason. I can't think of a reason why I would end it earlier than I stated but I'm sure the trolls can think of something.
As for winners, they are chosen at my discretion, usually utilizing a random number generator. Yes, it is possible to win more than one giveaway on this blog although I will do my best to stretch it out to give others a chance. This hasn't been an issue yet but the statistics are against me. So yes, that does mean I will alter the results of a giveaway (which usually means hitting the "give me a number" button one more time) in order to prevent the same person from winning on my blog multiple times in a short amount of time. Fairness can go either way here but I'm aiming for diversity. Don't like it, don't enter. I will not, under any other circumstances, alter the outcome of a giveaway otherwise.
Each individual giveaway will dictate who is eligible to enter, so check each giveaway to see if you can.
Anything Else?
Not that I can think of at the moment, but I'll let you know.
Procrastination Pro-Tips: 2025.02.21
1 hour ago
Seems to be a lot of policy stuff going 'round right now, but yours is by far the most amusing. I love your honesty policy! I totsally agree with, "Get a thicker skin, embrace Kevlar or become a hermit.
On that note, I work on the credo "don't say anything online you wouldn't say to someone's face." Just remember that." I dont just remember it, I hold it dear to my heart.
You've made me realize how much I need to write one up for myself to keep people off my back. I haven't had any nasty coments or anything because my posts are benign in content (just like me!), but it can't hurt to tell people where I stand. Thanks for sharing, Donna. :)
LOL! Thank you! And you're welcome!
Lol, best policy I've read so far. I love your honesty,
Nice policy. I acually had fun reading it. Loved the "Get a thicker skin, embrace Kevlar or become a hermit." thing. In fact I laughed out loud (and laughed harder when I saw my brother slowly edge away from me out of the coner of my eye). Honesty is always the way to go.
This review policy is made of win.
"dick you back" I've never heard that before.
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