I configure winners for my contests at my own leisure. Whether it's the day after the contest ends or a month, I always post the winners for my contests so people know that it's officially over and the winner has been decided upon. If you don't like the way I do this, then you have two choices: deal with it or fuck off.
What I don't appreciate is people bugging the fuck out of me to choose a winner for my Clockwork Angel contest. Let me give you some stats here - I had over 200 individual entries into this contest alone. Aside from tabulating the extra entries, I have to verify every single blog entered to make sure it's even eligible to be entered. Now, usually I can tabulate the entries at work but seeing as how most bloggers work off of Blogger, and Blogger is blocked on my work server, I can only count those entries in one place - home. And it's not like I'm sitting around with my thumb up my ass all summer. So forgive me for not feeling like staring at a computer screen for an additional 6 hours on top of my 9 hours at work because those pains in the ass so fucking demand a winner that I am somehow obligated to just stop my life and serve them.
Fuck. A. Duck.
So chill the fuck out and cut it the fuck out with the rude fucking comments. I don't give a fuck how fast anyone else gets those winner announcements out. Good for fucking them. I don't have mine out yet. If you don't see a post announcing the winner, then you've answered your own question without even having to ask it. So stop asking. Any more rude fucking comments and your name is getting yanked from the master list. Keep it the fuck up and I'll pull the contest entirely and pass the book onto someone of my own biased choosing.
Remind me next time I go to BEA to not waste my fucking time getting something people want because they're obviously not fucking grateful for even having the chance to win it. Or at least if I do, pass it on to someone whom I know will actually appreciate the effort instead of feeling like I owe them something. As if I should be grateful to get the opportunity serve them.
You caught me at a real bad fucking time, people. Work's got me wound so fucking tight my asshole's sucking up rocks and it's been almost two years since my last fucking vacation. So go ahead. Make my fucking day.
Only Murders in the Building (Season #4)
12 hours ago
Whoa! Who would ever bug someone about picking a contest winner?!? I can't believe how rude that is!
I love your post! You tell 'em! I'm sorry that you are having to deal with some ignorant bloggers, and I agree. You didn't HAVE to host the contest. You didn't HAVE to offer it up to us readers. I appreciate the simple fact that I was allowed to enter the contest at all! (I'm pretty sure I entered HAHA!)
I hope you get a little "me" time, and you know what? Fuck 'em all! Do things your way!
I still heart you. If you ctrl-f your site and type in "Fuck" it will highlight it 17 times.
Aw, I'm sorry for the hassle! I've never heard of people bugging bloggers to get a contest winner in....take all the time you need!
wow --people are bugging you about an ARC. Thats uncalled for and I don't I entered it , but wow.
Hope your day gets better and totally understand about checking the blogs.
Damn people just need to calm down! I mean isn't the book coming out next month? Or around the time? I agree they need to chill out. But yea, just relax and take a break from the contest if you have too. The patient people and the ones who know how it is can wait lol.
Hope that over-due vacation comes to you shortly!
Oh, wow that sucks. I had no idea that people would actually bother someone about something as small as choosing a winner. And the book comes out in like a month. Hope work gets better and people give you a break!
Way to be grateful for someone giving away a book out of their own accord. I didn't enter the contest but thanks for being so generous Donna. It's a bummer that people can't be patient and appreciative.
*breathes* 60 days. 60 days until a wonderful 2 week vacation in a gorgeous beach house in California. 60 days . . .
*is now scared of you* Thankfully I wasn't one of the people who bugged you, or even one of the people who entered because that was a scary rant.
On a better note, enjoy your well-earned vacation once you get it.
Neil Gaiman once said that GRRM was not anybody's bitch (in fact, he dedicated a whole blog entry to it).
And it's sad that you virtually had to do the same thing.
Stupid entitled people.
You have every reason to be angry. Take all the time you need, we all have a life separate from the blog, I do not know why people can be so ungrateful and intolerant. To hell with them!
How rude of those people! Good things come to those who wait! Lol
Wow! That is so incredibly rude, and I truly hope this doesn't sour you completely. How undeniably rude. It's a fucking contest. People aren't owed anything. They have a CHANCE at POSSIBLY winning something.
Plus I just had to snicker at the ctrl-F Life After Jane mentioned! lol 17 *snicker*
I'm sorry about those people bugging you. I hope things get better from here. And for the most part I think people do appreciate it when bloggers host contests. There's always that one person -- or two -- though that doesn't know how to be patient. I hope you feel better! And you're right, vacations are much needed. You'll get them, don't worry it'll all fall down into place sometime.
OMG, your rant totally had me rolling on the ground dying laughing. I know that's not what you meant but I fully appreciate a good rant.
Just keep chanting "Vacation...vacation...holy crap, vacation" and then enjoy the hell out of it once it comes.
@ Life After Jane: That control f thing is so cool. I learned something incredibly new and fun today--Thanks!
I actually don't mind people asking nicely if I've chosen a winner yet. It's just those that email me AND post comments, and rude comments, about me choosing a winner. It's the whole few bad apples ruin the bunch thing. I don't want to ruin it for the people that really do care about the contest (and I know there are far more that do than don't) but it's those one or do people that have me wanting to strangle something. And yeah, the timing doesn't help either. 60 days . . .
I know you're not in a good mood right now, but this: "Work's got me wound so fucking tight my asshole's sucking up rocks" is HILARIOUS!!
Maybe you can spit those rocks back out at the complainers ;)
First I did not enter, second if I had and it took you a month that is my hard luck to have to keep checking if you do not email the winners! I wish people understood how much work it is you do to be nice to us out here who do enter contests "for a chance to win something"! Not only do you not have to provide these chances but you also do not have to get the "loot" for contests in the first place.
60 days sweetie, just wait and you are going to have your blessed relief and you deserve every minute of that way too long overdue vacation!
jackie ^_^
Haha! It's supposed to be a little funny. :) Thanks for the support, everyone! My frazzled brain appreciates it.
Preach it, sister!
PS--When the announcement didn't come, I simply assumed you had e-mailed the winner and that was the end of it. *shrug* Some other bloggers never announce their contest winners at all. It's not a big deal. And as other commenters have pointed out above, none of us who enters a contest is ever entitled to the prize, even if he does win it.
Thanks for even having the contest, Donna. But a bigger thanks for the huge laugh! =D
sorry it was a crappy day in and out of the blog world. You put a lot of work and effort into this blog - thank you for doing it - I enjoy it very much.
Hope Tuesday is a better day for you.
This is good stuff. I'm glad you aren't afraid to call people on their shit. Hope things get better for ya soon, friend!
Ha, good rant. Those people are unbelievably rude. I don't even check back sometimes to see if I've won anything... figures that if they're being so nice to offer the giveaway it's no use bugging them and bugging them and bugging them...
Ugh, people are so rude! It's YOUR contest, YOUR book, they're just lucky that you even held the giveaway in the first place! Pick the winner whenever you want, it's not like the book's going to explode if it's not read by a certain date or something.
I would like to share something with you that tends to make my day. Hope it helps.
Enjoy your vacation!
While I agree on your reason for your rant I have to mention how nasty it is for you to have posted and left this up. :(
I realize it's your blog and as you've already stated you'll do what you want, when you want, how you want it.
But see, I do that too, write a long ass reply to some stupid ass person via email or what ever and I'll rant about it to my hubby (before hitting send) and he'll tell me point blank "Don't send that." "Delete all that nasty stuff and send only the important information."
Usually they are replies to his mom. o.O
But in the long run you want to get it off your chest but you don't want to make anyone uncomfortable in the process. And as my mother always said "Kill them with kindness." I always forget to do that though.
Perk up! :) And I agree fully, fuck them, just don't fuck over your other less bitchy readers. ;)
Eeeks! Donna, I'm sorry that people have been hassling you over this one book. It's not fair since you don't HAVE to do this giveaway. It's YOUR giveaway so do what you feel is best for you. No one can tell you otherwise!
Anyways, I hope this week is better (and far more relaxing) that what you've gone through lately.
Jess, yeah, it's a nasty post but the offenders know who they are. I'm in a position where I don't have to deal with this kind of asshattey. I don't have to just sit there and take it when people are rude and nasty to me. My job isn't at risk. If people are put off by it, fine. I accept that. But I'm not about to just sit here and swallow it. Yeah, I know. High road and all of that. But life's too short to burst a brain vessel because you keep swallowing it up. I'll call a person a piece of shit for pushing others out of the way to jump the line in person. I can' fucking stand stupid ass people like this and I'm going to say so. I know what the repercussions are and I'll deal with them. But some things just need to be said.
And I think nasty ranting replies to your mother-in-law are a little more detrimental to your health than telling some anonymous commenter to fuck off! LOL!
Lmao..I hope the rocks are atleast small enough to be considered pebbles :P Don't you just love when people are demanding :)
How rude. The nerve of some people. :/ Fuck a duck. *giggles* I have to say this post made me laugh though. XD It's always good to let off some steam.
So not cool. I see a giveaway as an equivalent of a gift. You shouldn't have any expectations about when or if you're getting something.
I'll happily wait weeks if that's when you want to choose a winner.
I hope your day improves! If it's going that bad, tomorrow has to be better, right? :)
lololol....i really am sorry for laughing, but that just made my day.
I know exactly how that feels and it's so freaking annoying when the ungrateful shits comment and email you.
I had one guy comment on every post after the contest asking when the winners would be announced.
I deleted that guy.
And I would be pissed too, sucking rocks up your ass must be really really painful, and then to have to sit on it...
whoa, some people like to overreact! so they have to wait a little longer... so what? then again, you are one of those overreacting people too and i found this entry very off-putting.
Wings, yeah. Those ass rocks are not too pleasant.
Liz, you say that yet you keep coming back for more. So really, it can't be all bad, can it? ;)
Fuck the high road. Tell it like it is! (which you did)
Beside, if they don't like seeing that here, well then guess what they can do?
Fuck off. ;D
Too true, too true about the mother-in-law. ;)
As I said, I probably wouldn't have posted it but I totally see your point and applause you for having the balls to do it. :)
ahhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahhahahahahahahahahah LMFAO I love it! I love your blog and EVEN more now haha
You said the word fuck 17 times in this post!! LMFAO :D
I just read a blog post by Lili St. Crow over at the Deadline Dames blog. You should check it out. ;)
How Not To Be A Speshul Snowflake In Public
:: Applauds you:: So glad that you have the balls to stand up for yourself with this, so many people have to rush through everything, You are so right, they should just be thankful for having the chance to win such an amazing book,
And if they are leaving rude comments honestly you should just take them off the list, if they cant be kind enough to wait. then screw them!
WTG love you and your blog btw
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