Another nominally big haul for me this week so it'll be short and sweet.
From Harper Teens -
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen, sampler
I Am Number Four by Pittacus lore
The Unidentified by Rae Mariz
From Sourcebooks -
Songs for a Teenage Nomad by Kim Culbertson
From Titan Books -
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Seance for a Vampire by Fred Saberhagen
Bought -
The Hunter, The Forbidden Game #1 by LJ Smith
Jim Henson's Return to Labyrinth #1 by Jake T. Forbes
From PaperBackSwap -
The Crossroads by Chris Grabenstein
Week in Review #10
11 hours ago
I really like the sound of Songs for a Teenage Nomad. Hope you enjoy!
I am Number 4 sounds interesting. On my way to check it out.
Hey, I was looking over your blog, and you have some really great stuff here!! I have a book blog as well, and I just blogged Linger.. it was an awesome book. Head over and check it out :) Also come this wonter I will be doing a contest or two and giving away signed copies of books to the followers of the blog, so make sure you sign up to follow :)Thanks, danielle Thomas
Looks like a great week! Happy Reading. Here’s my IMMB
Hello, who won CLOCKWORK ANGEL?
Rest assured, it won't be you. Congratulations, you've just got yourself deleted off of the master list not only for your rude comment but for the fact that you've already emailed me bugging me for the winner. Patience. Embrace it.
I love Sherlock Holmes and this Seance for a Vampire sounds very intriguing. I can't wait to read your review for that one!
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