According to this Publisher's Weekly article, it would appear that post-apocalyptic dystopian fantasies are the new rage, or at least on the up and coming. It's undeniable just how popular The Hunger Games and Catching Fire are and both fit into that harried world nicely. And while I've never read any of the others mentioned in the article, that doesn't mean I haven't seen them around. Nearly everyone touts how good the Gone series is.
The article also indicates that it seems that the worse off the story is, the better it is to read. What do you think about that? Do you like reading about a total and utter breakdown of society? Do you like at least one ray of sunshine in all the gloom?
What about the trend in general? Do you think, with vampires on their way out, that the dystopian reading will be next to fill YA shelves?
Vamps on the way out??? Never. I love dystopian, but I love my vampys too. I think I might start working on a dystopian with vamps... sure to be published.
Never read the book, but I heard it's good.
I am a ray of hope kind of girl. If there is no hope that it will get better, then what is the point of even finishing the novel?
i dont think there is going to be as many vampire series around, but there will always be new ones...
i reckon the next big thing is angels...
but i dont think they will last long
Vampires are like diamonds....FOREVER!
I love me some vamps. ;)
And dystopian fantasies are classics because anything goes. Make a mess of things and it's probably going to be loved.
I'm a fan of them. The Giver will forever be my favorite because it was my first favorite book. ;)
I love dystopian novels. "The Giver" "A Handmaid's Tale" "1984" Good reading.
I don't think vampires will ever go away, but I think readers are getting weary of them. Just this morning I saw an ad on Yahoo for ANOTHER vampire series. Personally, I am vampired out as far as romance goes. If there was an influx of vampire horror without the virginal heroine love interest, my vamp love would probably be renewed.
I LOVE dystopian books. I also love the ray of light and hope, so I have to balance out my dystopian futures with lots of hopeful fluff.
I really hope the emo vamp has run its course. And while I like the whole dystopian reading, too much of a good thing can be an overkill. I just hope they don't saturate the market like they did with the vampire craze. Me, personally, I can only read so much soul-sucking literature before I want to grab a razor. I need *something* uplifting, even if it's a glimmer.
I don't think it's the gloom and doom that makes dystopian and such novels appealing. It's that anything is possible in dystopia. We can have children killing children and people don't bat an eye. That doesn't happen for most people in everyday life outside of books. Dystopia provides endless entertainment while expanding your mind and making you think of those what ifs. So yes, I loev dystopia, but it's heavy. I need to break it up, with some light stuff in between the heavy, or else my brain would explode. A good balance of sunshine and gloom is needed.
That said, I love a good vampire novel. But dystopia is getting really huge, and for good reason, with The Hunger Games leading the way. Vampires may be on their way out for the large mass of public, but it's never going to die out completely for others, because it's been there for a long time, and Twilight isn't going to kill it.
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