Wednesday, May 6, 2009

HP Creeping to Number 1

Like it's any surprise, the Harry Potter movie franchise is the second largest grossing series ever. The number one? James Bond with $5 billion worldwide. Since HP is already topped at $4.5 billion, it's pretty much a no-brainer that it'll leave Bond in the dust at number two for earnings. The thing is, they're not just shameless cash cows (*coughtwilightcough*) that are cranked out to sate a need. They're Academy Award nominated and all ranked with at least a B with Yahoo! movie ratings. While what the fans think of the films vary pretty widely, it's pretty much a common consensus that they're pretty damn good.

Be sure to click that link to see some great movie posters from Half Blood Prince.


Sonja said...

*twitch* Can't wait.

prophecygirl said...

I am so excited. Hell yes.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I see what people may be so upset about the movie. Nobody believes Harry when he says Draco is planning something and that frustrates him to no end. Still looking forward to the movie.

Unknown said...

Love me some James Bond but Harry Potter....haha Love them equally I guess :D

Yay!! You're reading Jessica's Guide!!! I LOVED it, can't wait to see what you think. :)

Steph Su said...

We're talking about HP being good movies? Um. I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you here, D. But it's okay. I like the reference to Yahoo! movie ratings. Sadly, I check those too when I need some recommendations.

And I agree with you about the James Bond franchise moneysuckingconglomerate thingy though. :)

Donna (Bites) said...

They're entertaining and I'm still looking forward to seeing HBP when it comes out despite the butthurt that was supposedly done to it.

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