Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Holly Schindler Has Trailers!

I don't normally post book trailers but if it's for a book I love, why not? As you may already know, I LOVED Holly Schindler's A BLUE SO DARK, as my review can attest to. So if you haven't read it, you really should. Here's the trailer to further entice you.

While I haven't read Holly's latest, PLAYING HURT, I'm sure it's up to par of BLUE so it's definitely worth checking out. Have another trailer to further lure you to the pretty book.

And Holly just wanted to let everyone know that once she reaches 200 "likes" on her author Facebook page she's going to have some swag giveaways for her fans! And if you spread the book love by reposting the trailers and sending the link over to Holly, you can get extra credit into the contest. So get liking and get reading!
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