Sasha Carrington has grown up feeling like an outsider, and her parents are too concerned with scaling the Lincoln, Connecticut, social ladder to even notice her. They’d be really horrified to know about the supernatural abilities Sasha and her friends Krystal and Jake possess. But as part of the Mystyx, Sasha has found her place.
Now her parents have suddenly taken an interest in everything she does, and their timing couldn’t be worse. Sasha’s father wants her to become BFFs with snooty Alyssa Turner, who hates Krystal for stealing her boyfriend. Then there’s Antoine Watson, the boy Sasha has liked forever, the boy her parents would never approve of. But with the dark side getting more dangerous by the day, and the Mystyx’s own powers growing in unexpected ways, Sasha is facing choices that could affect her friends, her love life—and even her destiny… (netgalley.com)
I have to say, I wasn't a fan of Sasha's side of the story. Not because she was a spoiled little rich girl (quite the opposite, actually). Not because she was a drama queen (which she wasn't but drama always seemed to find her). Not because she just couldn't make up her mind about the boys flocking around her (it was just one boy but she actually couldn't really make up her mind, so that's partially true). I just didn't like her voice. I didn't find all that much compelling about it and when it ended, I was glad to be out of her head.
Now with that aside, I liked everything else. I actually really liked Sasha as a character. Despite her upbringing, she's pretty grounded in reality and thinks for herself. I really liked that about her. She's an immensely loyal person and doesn't cave on her laurels very easily. She swayed back and forth with Antoine because of what her parents would think but considering everything else she could have done considering her parents, I think that was pretty minor and I could easily accept it as a character flaw. She's a very strong-willed girl and I wish there were more like her in YA all around. I just didn't like her voice. I didn't like the way she relayed information to the reader. Despite the situations she was in, at times I found her descriptions boring. But other than that, no complaints.
As I was saying above with her and Antoine, well, I'm not an Antoine fan. Any guy that doesn't get the hint does not rank highly on my list. I found him forceful and pig-headed, constantly in Sasha's face when she was trying to get away from him (not in an attacker sort of way but just 'I said no now leave me alone' sort of way). That's not to say he wasn't a nice guy when Sasha gave in to him, but she gave in. Did she start liking him because she really liked him or was it all a result of consigning to his persistence? I have a hard time telling. And the little fit he threw when she couldn't hang out? I didn't think Sasha was the one that should have been apologizing. But that's just me.
For the overall story arc, it's getting interesting. Characters that were merely a passing reference in Krystal's story are front and center in this one, and not in a good way. The Darkness is getting more and more desperate and resorting to more horrifying things to achieve its end. And this "club" Sasha's parents want her to be a part of? Sketchy at best. Considering all of the elements around the club, Sasha would do well to find her own apartment.
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the Mystyx series. I'd really like to get inside of Jake's head and Lindsay? What's her deal? Poof she's there and she has powers too? I want to know what's going on with her. Overall Mystify was a pretty good sequel to Manifest. I don't think Sasha's voice was as strong as Krystal's was but it was entertaining. I can't wait for the next one!

Contest Time!!!
Thanks to Lisa Roe, Arist's awesome publicist, I have a brand new copy of Mystify to give away to one of my readers! Want it? Then just fill out the form below for your chance to win. Open to US residents 13 years of age and older only. One entry per person per email address. Duplicate entries will be deleted. Contest ends March 21st at midnight, EST.