More than 200 BSC books were published during its reign, written by a few ghosted authors to meet the insane publishing demands this book called for (one a month, seriously!). Martin wrote a quite a few but no one could keep up with that schedule on their own!
The only issue I have with the books being re-issued is they're updated. That was the reason why I passed on my copy of Thirst, because it was updated. For kids that haven't had the BSC exposure, sure. I get it. But us oldies, I want my nostalgia, dammit! I want to hear them talking about VHS tapes, cassettes and phones with cords! But that's just me.
David Levithan, awesome man that he is, is heading up this new venture of re-releases and the publishing of the prequel. Oh yeah. Expect a HUGE surge in adult purchases of these books when they start coming out. Personally I'd seek out the originals but what an excellent way for two generations to connect. It almost makes me wish I had a daughter. And then the psychosis goes away and the meds kick in.
I really hope this spurns yet another generation of BSC fans. It's going to be such a refreshing addition to the reading landscape already out there. The plots aren't overblown or catty. They're just girls and their adventures in babysitting. Below is a side-by-side comparison of Kristy's Great Idea from the original to what's going to be re-released.

lol I actually still have a bunch of the originals. I tried getting rid of them on Paperbackswap, but only a few have gone. I probably won't buy the new ones :D Although I totally grew up with the BSC!
I still have all my BSC books. I was even part of the monthly book club - 2 books a month, my parents rocked for signing me up on it, lol I doubt I'll buy any new ones. I'm not big on this whole updating thing, but still think its great idea to bring them back.
Out of curiosity, do you happen to know if the stories are being updated or just the covers?
I don't actually plan on buying them....I had them all at one point....but I'll be disappointed if the stories change.
Um, yes!! But it does make me sad that Stacy won't be cool being the only member with a VCR. :-P
i grew up reading this series and even watch the show on disney channel and the movie as well. my fave bsc memeber was maryanne :)
I remember I read one or two of the original books back when I was like ten or eleven. Man, have the years flown by, LOL.
*reads the above comment* THERE WAS A MOVIE? AND IT WAS ON DISNEY? Say whaaaaaaa? o_o
They are updating terminology, so like instead of getting a perm, they get their hair done at the salon.
Yeah, as far as nostalgia factor goes, I'll take the old book any day, especially for the fabulous outfits.
There's a blog where they talk about the outfits and the books and there's snark and lots of nostalgia: http://whatclaudiawore.blogspot.com/
I hope the new readers of BSC enjoy as much as well all did!
I never had any of the originals because I would always check them out from the library. It would be so cool to own them though, although I'm not too sure I would really re-read them.
No way! It's cool that it's coming back but I agree the older version is better..
I never had the sleeping bag - envious!!
I'm telling you, those books bring back such comfy feelings for me! Ah, to me a kid again!
oh ... man, I loved these books! I had the movie and the 30 minute ... tv shows or whatever ... on vhs. good times. good. times.
I'm so psyched about the re-releasing of these books! Yay! I've still got all my old originals stashed away somewhere! :-)
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