Sunday, June 3, 2012

BEA is Streaming!

As you can see from above, the BEA streaming video is all set up and reading to go!

Streaming will actually begin Tuesday morning with the Book and Author breakfast, featuring Stephen Colbert.  It'll feature two more author breakfasts through Thursday along with buzz panels and events on the author stages.  Check out this list for all of the details on what you can watch streaming throughout the week.

Armchair BEA is also doing their version of BEA streaming with their online correspondents set up to chat about the event as it goes on.  So even though you may be missing out on actually being there this year, you have a bunch of options to make it FEEL like you're really there.  Be sure to jump in on these opportunities.  I'm sure you'll end up seeing more than those of us on the floor!
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