Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Anyone Wanna Book Swap?

So I've got a bunch of ARCs that I'm not too sure what to do with. And I've got some books on my want list that I'd like to get my hands on. Anyone want to trade? In the form below I'll post my list of books that I'm looking for and the ones I'm willing to trade (all ARCs, the version on your end doesn't matter to me). Just select which one you have and which one you want and we'll have ourselves an even trade! If you have more than one of my want books that you want to trade, of course you can choose more than one of my books!

The deal is you send me your book copy first (since I'm working blind) and as soon as I receive that book, I'll drop yours in the mail (because I'm all nice and established and have a reputation to protect and all of that, I'm not about to flake out on my book-sending duties). I think that's a fair trade, don't you? I'll email you if you've snagged a trade and we'll get the particulars out of the way then.

Right now I'm only looking to trade and trade for what's on my list. Please don't fill out the form if you don't have a title to trade. I know I'll still have a great big pile of books left over but I felt this was a good way to start whittling it down and try to get some titles I'd like to read. So have at it! I'll leave this open for a week or so so just keep an eye on it.

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