You may or may not have noticed that I have an extra little clicky symbol there under my Bite Me section. An extra little t?
Yup. Thanks to my heinously EVUL twin, Laura, I now tumble, tumblring, tum. It's SO addicting! All the gifs! Supernatural gifs! Really, really bad.
So yeah. I'm here. I'll use it like I use Twitter, to cross post my blog posts, plus I'll be totally taking advantage of it's photo/gif/must show people things platform it has. Because I've had it less than 24 hours and I'm already coming up on a month's worth of posts. Most of them gifs.
Follow/tumblr-y me, whatever. This will probably be the best peek into my rather demented life that any of you will get. Seeing as how I divulge very little here, that's a hell of a lot. I'll start you off . . . I like Supernatural. And by like I mean I want to smell Dean's jeans.
In the meantime I'll be doing this to Laura -
Look at me!!! GIFS!!!
Review: Isaac's Song by Daniel Black
9 hours ago