If you happen to be in the Willamsport, Pennsylvania area and are as eager to get your hands on a copy of Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side as I am, author Beth Fantaskey has started posting book signing dates on her website. Come to Connecticut, Beth!
So far the dates are as follows--
February 7th from 6pm at Otto's Bookstore in Williamsport
February 13th from 6pm at Barnes and Noble in Camp Hill
February 14th from 1pm at Page After Page in Lewisburg
In all honestly I have no idea if those last two are near Williamsport or not but I know Williamsport. That's where the Little League World Series is held. Now that you've had your random tidbit for the day, I'd just like to add that I like how Beth leaves the end time open. When it's over, it's over, right?
All Better Now
11 hours ago
That's SO cool! I'm going to the Lewisburg signing. It's only like 30 minutes away from where I live. Why don't more authors live near me?
I'm jealous! And you might be surprised at how many are pretty close. There are quite a few up in New England that I didn't know about.
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